

How I Work

I work holistically, intuitively, and relationally to help you access your innate ability to heal. Together we will develop a comprehensive plan to create healthy alignment between your body, mind, and nervous system, emphasizing embodied self-awareness and empowerment. My approach is integrative, combining biological, psychological, social, and spiritual approaches to mental and physical health.

Somatic Experiencing
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Resolve trauma symptoms, relieve chronic stress, and increase your capacity to actively engage in life.

Somatic Experiencing® (SE) is an evidence-based neurobiological approach for resolving trauma symptoms, facilitating nervous system health, and relieving chronic stress.  It is an awareness-based approach that helps the nervous system find a regulated way of functioning by encouraging the completion of self-protective survival responses, developing awareness and self-regulation around the rhythms of nervous system activation, and increasing tolerance for difficult bodily sensations and suppressed emotions. 

For more information on SE:

Internal Family Systems
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Gain greater understanding and compassion for all parts of yourself, release negative beliefs and restore a sense of agency through the cultivation of mindful self-leadership.

Internal Family Systems (IFS) is an evidence-based, non-pathologizing therapeutic approach that identifies and heals the ‘parts’ of you that need attending to. In IFS, we believe the mind is naturally multiple and that is a good thing.  Our inner parts contain valuable qualities and our core Self knows how to heal, allowing us to become integrated and whole. In IFS all parts are welcome.

For more information on IFS:

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Clarify what you want in your life,  how to achieve it, and learn to authentically communicate who you are. 

Somatic coaching is a transformational process that empowers individuals to more effectively function, work more skillfully with others, and embody new, generative ways of being.

My approach to coaching is both cognitive and somatic, guiding you toward a deeper level of self-awareness to help you understand what you want in life and support you to move toward your ideals. I use body-based practices, mindfulness, Presence-Based Coaching, and Internal Family Systems to identify and work with conditioned patterns that limit performance and create new neural pathways and new possibilities to help you move toward your specific goals. I use principles of Non-Violent Communication and Authentic Relating to help you develop clear communication, healthy boundaries, and authentic connection. The coaching process not only moves you toward your vision, but also cultivates essential life skills related to self-awareness, self-compassion, and standing in your truth. 

For more information on IFS:

For more information on Presence-Based Coaching:

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Access the deepest regions of the brain to allow hope and positive change using specific eye positions, mind-body awareness, and mindfulness techniques.

Brainspotting Therapy (BSP) is an evidence-based therapeutic process that uses specific points in your visual field to access unprocessed trauma in the subcortical brain.  It is a brain-body-based treatment that uses relevant eye positions, bilateral music, somatic awareness, focused mindfulness, and therapeutic attunement to process and release stored traumas.

Brainspotting therapy will allow you to move quickly through processing the trauma in a contained and supported way. With less talking than in traditional talk therapy you will experience both rapid relief of distress and profound insights. By using the brain and body's natural ability to self-scan and self-heal we return to a place of equilibrium.

For more information on BSP:

 Ready To Get Started?


Ways To Work With Me



  • Three-month personalized plan to support nervous system health & to help you meet your goals.

  • Includes:

    • 1 x Planning Session  (90-minutes) 

    • 9 x Follow-up Sessions including a combination of 1:1 Somatic Experiencing, TRE, Somatic Movement Education, & Coaching. (60-minutes)

    • In-depth, personalized plan including specifically chosen somatic practices, curated routines, weekly action plans, accountability checks, and support between sessions.